Monday, November 16, 2009

Hopi Facts

The Hopi was an interesting tribe because of the many different foods, clothing, and shelter.


The Hopi ate 24 different types of corn, which, as you can tell, is one of their main foods. They made an interesting type of bread called Piki (see next entry) out of the blue corn. They also ate black beans, yellow beans, and purple string beans. They also ate peaches, melons, squash, and apricots.


The Hopi’s clothes were made out of animal skins and cotton and on a normal day, the men wore tunics and shirts, and the women wore skirts or dresses. All Hopi clothes were loose fitting. For shoes, they wore sandals or moccasins, common Native American footwear. In the winter, all Hopi people added shawls and blankets to their clothes for warmth. The chief wore red moccasins and had a trace of blue on one shoulder. Other than that, he wore all white.


The Hopi people made pueblos and reed houses depending on where they lived. Pueblos were made out of stones, mud, and clay called adobe that is made to protect people inside it from blistering heat. Reed houses were made of reed mats that covered a wooden pole frame.

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