Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Totem Pole

This is a Totem Pole I created with the people listed as authors (below pic):

Black Hawk Totem Pole

By Nina, Thomas, Alex, and Casey

Black Hawk was a leader and warrior of the Sauk tribe. Unlike most Native Americans would have, he fought on the British side in the war of 1812.

  • The yellow and orange stripes represent the dry weather here
  • The blue and green stripes represent nearby bodies of water like Lake Michigan
  • The smiling faces represent our happiness
  • The stars represent astronomy and archaeoastronomy
  • The deep red wings represent courage
  • The vivid colors in the beak represent power
  • The blue moon slivers represent our rare sadness
  • The brown face represents animal life
  • The various peace signs represent our peace
  • The wise eyes represent knowledge and insight

There was once a famous Native American chief named Makataimeshekiakiak (usually known as Black Hawk). He was the warrior chief of the Sauk tribe and fought on the British side in the war of 1812. Our table admires him for his bravery in the war and that is why we named our table after him. Also, he was born in northern Illinois and we live in Illinois. The reasons above should tell you why we picked this group name.


My user at flickr is 5jcity2000 if you want more of my pics.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The inside of the Roundhouse

This is the inside of the roundhouse I created (below). I created the Native American doll with a josefina American girl doll borrowed from my friend Nina. I posted this pic on flickr, then edited it.